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m (Updated 39, 3A)
Line 428: Line 428:
| SpriteGotoPosition
| SpriteGotoPositionX
| 4
| 4
| This command expects to be followed by "0x8E, 0x3B, asm(BRA -11)" because once it reaches the position it is hardcoded to jump 6 bytes ahead.

| SpriteGotoPositionY
| 4
| 4
| This command expects to be followed by "0x8E, 0x3B, asm(BRA -11)" because once it reaches the position it is hardcoded to jump 6 bytes ahead.


Revision as of 18:44, 19 August 2017

Scripts are parsed bytewise.

A note about event flags

Event flags are calculated from an u16 value like this:

u16 EventFlag;

Flag  = (EventFlag & 0xFFF) >> 3;
Value = 1 << (EventFlag & 7);
IsSet = EventFlag & 0x8000


Opcode Function Length Arguments Comments
00 Call 4 This command has no stack for return addresses. Nested calls simply overwrite any previous return address, so return is only possible to the most recent call site.

If a simple jump is desired, use command 06 for an async jump, or ASM BRA or JMP for an instantaneous jump.

01 ReturnFrom00 1 If not inside 00-Call, this command is ignored.
02 LoopSetup( u16 Count ) 3
03 LoopDoAsync() 1
04 LoopDo() 1
05 WaitOnEventFlag( u16 Flag ) 3
06 JumpAndSetOrigin 4
07 EventFlagModify 3
08 EventFlagCheckJump 5
09 EventFlagCheckMultiple 3+2*x
0A CheckMapID 5
0B CheckDeathwarpMapID 5
0C TriggerOnAreaAbsolute 8
0D TriggerOnAreaRelative 8
0E TriggerOnAreaAbsolutePixel 12
0F TriggerOnBlockAbsolute 6
10 TriggerOnBlockRelative 6
11 TriggerObjectOnAreaAbsolute 9 First parameter is object index, which is multiplied by 40 and added to 1000 to get the object handle, for which the trigger is checked.

Remaining parameters are same as command 0C.

12 TriggerObjectOnAreaRelative 9 Broken command.

Supposed to be 0D-counterpart of 11: it should compare the position of the object that is given as first parameter to the position of the object that executes the command, but it uses for both purposes only the object that is given as parameter, which makes it useless.

13 SpriteSetPosition 4
14 PlayerPort 9
15 1
16 u16, u8, u16, u16 8 related to respawn location
17 u8, u16, u16 6 hardcoded port to map ID 5 (plane)
18 u8, u8, u16, u16 7 hardcoded port to map ID 2 (overworld)
19 RespawnSetLocation( u16 MapID, u8, u16, u16, u16, u8, u16, u16 ) 15
1A DialogSwitchChoice 4
1B PrintRelative( u16 Address ) 3
1C PrintAbsolute( u24 Address ) 4
1D u16 3
1E u8, u16 4 calls 0x1D
1F MessageWait 1 This waits for a button input for the message to continue/close
20 MessageAuto 1 This automatically continues/closes the message
21 TriggerSet 3 When value is 0 it is deleted
22 2 or 3
23 3
24 4
25 Rand 1
26 RandomMoveInArea 5
27 u8, u8 3
28 2 Set 0x7F2018 to value
29 PadButtonsEnable 3
2A PadButtonsDisable 3
2B PadCheckAllButtonsPressed2 5
2C PadCheckNoButtonPressed2 5
2D PadCheckButtonPressed 8
2E PadCheckAnyButtonPressed 5
2F PadCheckNoButtonPressed 5
30 MusicPlay 2
31 MusicPlayFadeOver 2
32 MusicPlay2 2 This saves the last track played via this command.

When calling it with the value set to 0xFF it plays the last played track again.

33 1
34 APUWriteByte_F5( u8 Byte ) 2 Writes one byte to 0x2140 (APUI00) followed by a write with 0xF5
35 APUWriteByte_F6( u8 Byte ) 2 Writes one byte to 0x2140 (APUI00) followed by a write with 0xF6
36 SoundEffectPlayOnce 2
37 SoundEffectPlay 2
38 SoundEffect? 3
39 SpriteGotoPositionX 4 This command expects to be followed by "0x8E, 0x3B, asm(BRA -11)" because once it reaches the position it is hardcoded to jump 6 bytes ahead.
3A SpriteGotoPositionY 4 This command expects to be followed by "0x8E, 0x3B, asm(BRA -11)" because once it reaches the position it is hardcoded to jump 6 bytes ahead.
3B ObjectSetSolid 1
3C 1
3D 4
3E 4
3F TriggerOnTouch( u8 MovementMask, u8 X, u8 Y ) 4
40 4
42 7
43 5
44 5
46 MapCopyRect( u16 SizeX (Blocks), u16 SizeY (Pixels), u16 SrcX(Blocks), u16 SrcY(Blocks), u16 DstX(Blocks), u16 DstY(Blocks), u8 Unknown ) 8
47 ObjectDeleteIfEventFlags 1+2*x
48 ObjectDeleteIfEventFlag 3
49 ObjectDeleteIfMapID 3
4A 6
4B u8, u16, (u16) 4 or 6
4C u8, u16, (u16) 4 or 6
4D 2 or 4
4E u16, u16 5
4F u16, u16 5
50 u16, u8 4
54 ItemAdd 4
55 ItemDel 2
58 JumpIf0648( u8 Value, u16 JumpAddress ) 2 or 4 Jump if [0648] == Value
5C MoneyAdd 4
5D MoneyDel 4
5E 7
5F SwitchOnDirection( u16 DownJump, u16 UpJump, u16 LeftJump, u16 RightJump ) 9
60 5
63 3
65 HandlerRegisterOnDamage( u16 HandlerAddress, u24 ReturnAddress ) 6
66 ReturnFromDamageHandler 1
67 1
69 1
6A u8, u8 3
6B PrintRelative2 3
6C PrintAbsolute2 4
6E SceneUpdate 1
6F 1
70 u16, u16 5
72 u16, u8 4
73 5 Wait for unknown condition and then jump
74 u8 a, u16 b 4 $7F2024,x = (u16)a; $7F2022,x = b;
75 u16 a, u16 b 5 $7F2028,x = a; $7F2026,x = b;
76 SystemRegisterWrite 3
78 BackgroundUpdateFade 2
79 Unused command
7A Unused command
7B Unused command
7C Unknown Command, Only implemented in JP version, FFFF in German and English
7D Unused command
7E Unused command
7F Unused command
80 AnimationSetSpriteFlagsAndResetElevationLevel( u8 SpriteFlags ) 2
81 AnimationSetB( u8 SpriteFlags ) 2
82 AnimationSetC( u8 SpriteFlags, u8 ) 3
83 SpriteSetFlagsAndElevationLevel( u8 SpriteFlags, u8 EleveationLevel ) 3
84 4
85 AnimationSetD 3 calls 80
86 AnimationSetE( u8, u8 ) 3 calls 81
87 ObjectMove( u8, u8, u8 ) 4 calls 82
88 4 calls 83
89 5 calls 84
8A 2
8B 3 calls 8A
8C 2
8D 3 calls 8C
8E AnimationWait 1
8F AnimationWait2 1
90 1 wait for loop
91 1
92 1 wait for loop
93 1
94 1 wait for loop
95 u16, u8, u16, u16, u16, u8 9
96 u16, u16, u16, u16, u16 11
97 u16, u8, u16, ? 6
98 u16, u8, ? 11 Object related
99 ObjectCloneInsertAtBeginSF 6 Insert at begin of list, set script pointer and flags
9A ObjectCloneInsertBeforeSP 4 Insert before current object, set script pointer and parent (implied)
9B ObjectCloneInsertBeforeSFP 6 Insert before current object, set script pointer, flags and parent (implied)
9C ObjectCloneInsertBeforeSRP 8 Insert before current object, set script pointer, relative placement and parent (implied)
9D ObjectCloneInsertBeforeSRFP 10 Insert before current object, set script pointer, relative placement, flags and parent (implied)
9E ObjectCloneInsertBeforeSAP 8 Insert before current object, set script pointer, absolute placement and parent (implied)
9F ObjectCloneInsertBeforeSAFP 10 Insert before current object, set script pointer, absolute placement, flags and parent (implied)
A0 ObjectCloneInsertAtEndSFP 6 Insert at end of list, set script pointer, flags and parent (implied)
A1 ObjectCloneInsertAfterSP 4 Insert after current object, set script pointer and parent (implied)
A2 ObjectCloneInsertAfterSFP 6 Insert after current object, set script pointer, flags and parent (implied)
A3 ObjectCloneInsertAfterSRP 8 Insert after current object, set script pointer, relative placement and parent (implied)
A4 ObjectCloneInsertAfterSRFP 10 Insert after current object, set script pointer, relative placement, flags and parent (implied)

Same handler as 0xE8

A5 ObjectCloneInsertAfterSAP 8 Insert after current object, set script pointer, absolute placement and parent (implied)
A6 ObjectCloneInsertAfterSAFP 10 Insert after current object, set script pointer, absolute placement, flags and parent (implied)
A7 ObjectDelete 1
A8 1
AA 4
AF 2
B0 2 or 5
B1 ObjectMoveHorizontal 3
B2 ObjectMoveVertical 3
B3 ObjectMove 5
B4 SpriteSetUpsideDown 1
B5 SpriteSetDownsideUp 1
B6 SpriteSetFacingRight 1
B7 SpriteSetFacingLeft 1
B8 SpriteFlipVertical 1
B9 SpriteFlipHorizontal 1
BA SpriteSetPriority 2 Allowed values: 0..3 << 4
BB SpriteSetPalette 2 Allowed values: 0..7 << 1
BC MarkOrigin 1
BD MarkOriginAsync 1
BE JumpAndSetOriginWithDelay 6
BF JumpAndSetOriginAsync 4
C0 SetOriginAndEraseDelay 4
C1 Delay 3
C2 JumpIfMapCollisionAbove 3
C3 JumpIfMapCollisionBelow 3
C4 JumpIfMapCollisionLeft 3
C5 JumpIfMapCollisionRight 3
C6 GetCurrentBlockCollision 1 ??
C7 CheckMapCollisionAbove 3 or 9
C8 CheckMapCollisionBelow 3 or 9
C9 CheckMapCollisionLeft 3 or 9
CA CheckMapCollisionRight 3 or 9
CB 5 Change other object script ??
CC 6
D2 TriggerOnSight( u8 SideRange, u8 FrontRange, u8 Direction, u16 JumpAddress ) 6
D3 RangeCheckHorizontal 9
D4 RangeCheckVertical 9
D6 ProximityTrigger 4
D7 DetermineNearestAxis 5
D8 4
D9 LoadFightingStats 2 Load pointer to index in enemy table

80: Don't load max HP

DA HandlerRegisterOnWall( u16 HandlerAddress ) 3 Set Wall Hit Handler
DC 6
DD 8
DE 2
DF WaitOn097C_0810 4 Wait For ([097C] & 0810) == 0, Then Jump
E4 1
E6 ObjectCloneDepInsertAfterSP 4 Like A1, but additionally makes new object depend on the old one, which mainly matters for mass deletion with command EB.
E7 ObjectCloneDepInsertAfterSFP 6 Like A2, but additionally makes new object depend on the old one.
E8 ObjectCloneDepInsertAfterSRFP 10 Like A4, but additionally makes new object depend on the old one.
E9 ObjectCloneDepInsertAfterSAFP 10 Like A6, but additionally makes new object depend on the old one.
EA ObjectCloneDepInsertBeforeSP 4 Like 9A, but additionally makes new object depend on the old one.
EB DeleteAllDependingObjects 1 Delete all depending objects, but only if 'this' has no parent
ED ObjectMoveRelative( u16 AnimationID, s16 X, s16 Y) 6
EE ObjectMoveWaitRelative( u8 ) 2